- 10.29.14
Reviewed.com visits Joshua Bell’s Flatiron Penthouse and gets some great new shots
- 10.27.14
Modern features our “Copper House”
- 10.27.14
“Copper House” on THE NEEDs so cast your vote!
- 10.27.14
ArchDaily features our “Copper House” and a chance to look at some drawings
- 10.24.14
ArchNewsNow: “They couldn’t resist” our “Copper House”
- 10.16.14
E-Architect features “Copper House”
- 10.16.14
The John W. Olver Transit Center Wins 2014 American Architecture Award
Awarded by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
- 10.15.14
Boston magazine interviews Charles Rose about his experiences with Hollywood: turning his house into a movie set for “The Judge”
- 10.08.14
Get the story behind the movie “The Judge” and find out why they picked our “Copper House” as one of its stars
- 10.07.14
David Dobkin, Director of the movie “The Judge,” is taken with our “Copper House” says Curbed Boston